96. Dating “Mr. Big” (and Other NY Men)

Stevie Bowen revisits the early 20’s dating stories that inspired her modern Carrie Bradshaw moment – complete with her own version of Mr. Big. She dishes on the men behind the monikers in her memoir, The City of Dating…the one who (unknowingly) took her virginity, the one who fulfilled her sk8tr boi fantasy, the one who viewed protein powder as a food group…and the Charlottes, Mirandas, and Samanthas who were there to gossip with her over brunch the morning after.

For content to help you commiserate over your dating experience : @thecityofdating

For dating confessions that will help you feel better about your own love life : thecityofdating.com

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

91. If He Wanted To…Would He?

Jon Birger joins me on this week’s episode to discuss shooting your shot – and I’m not talking about March Madness. We discuss his latest book, Make Your Move: The New Science of Dating, to break down what women stand to gain from asking men out. We analyze the sexist “science” that informs traditional dating gender roles, and the evolution into modern philosophies of “If he wanted to, he would.” Jon also critiques my own feeble attempts at shooting my shot in years prior, and explains how meeting on Hinge impacts the likelihood of long term success with my current boyfriend.

To order Make Your Move or invite Jon to your book club : jonbirger.com

For more of Jon’s musings on modern dating dynamics : @jon_birger1

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

79. Grandma, Unfiltered w/Excuse My Grandma podcast

Kim Murstein and her Grandma Gail of Excuse My Grandma podcast join me to debate the pros and cons of modern dating- dissecting everything from self-proclaimed “entrepreneurs” on the dating apps, whether bad sex is a dealbreaker, and if there’s any benefit to being exclusive before being bf/gf. We evaluate the merit of traditional beliefs around paying for dates, women making the first move, and co-habitating before marriage in today’s dating landscape, and I tell a Venmo story that fails Grandma Gail’s standard for manners.

For more unfiltered grandmotherly advice : Excuse my Grandma on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

For the coolest grandma content on TikTok : @excusemygrandma

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

78. Exes and the City w/Jenna Langbaum

Jenna Langbaum, author of Me In Search of You, gives an honest and unfiltered view of what it’s actually like to date in New York through short stories that span everything from a first date rife with overshares, Bumble profile dealbreakers, and the sinking realization you’re being ghosted by someone you weren’t even that into. She distinguishes the few moments in the city that DO actually make you feel like Carrie Bradshaw vs. the modern dating experiences that are notably absent from Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, Friends, and the like.

For more of Me in Search of You (and some bonus stories) : @jennalangbaum

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

74. Un-HINGEd Dating w/Ilana Dunn

Ilana Dunn from Seeing Other People podcast shares her perspectives around online dating as a former Hinge employee (pre- Roses and voice prompts). We expose ill-advised dating behaviors driven by insecurity, like FBI-level social stalking and future-tripping after one date, and contrast what it feels like to finally date someone who you don’t have to consult your group chat about. Ilana also opens up about the difficulties behind cohosting her podcast with someone she previously dated, and finally puts to rest the age old question of whether or not exes can truly be friends.

For more unfiltered dating conversations : @seeingotherpeople

To go from Seeing Other People to seeing Ilana : @ilana.dunn

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

68. Hinge Cringe

I’m back for a solo episode to kick off Q4, and to advocate for why October undeniably marks the universal start of cuffing season. For those looking to get cuffed, I dive into why I think Hinge is the superior dating app, and tips for avoiding cringy pitfalls like bad prompts and paying to give out roses.

See the full list of Hinge prompts here

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

66. Swipe Economy

Roland Toney, brother-in-law of former guest David Zeff, shares his perspective on dating apps as an elder millennial who’s never used them. We analyze the dating app economics that favor fuckboy behaviors and undermine efforts to find a long-term partner, like A/B profile testing (evaluating which pictures/prompts have the highest success rate), level of investment (commitment to people you meet on an app vs. IRL), and paradox of choice (endless profiles to swipe through).

To discuss DATING with Roland : @ro_tone

To discuss DATA with Roland : Roland Toney III on LinkedIn

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope

48. 10s Seeking An 11

This week I interview Emily Hacker, host of OK So, I Met This Guy podcast, about the fundamental question that inspired Interstates & Heartbreak – Is dating in LA the worst? We unpack the dating challenges specific to a place best described as “a city of 10s seeking an 11,” including the unavoidable male archetypes, why people are more likely to cancel date plans, and the very real struggle of traffic when you’re attempting to traverse the city for back to back dates.

To hear dating stories that will make you feel better about your own dating life (including my unfortunate Chuck E. Cheese date) : Ok So I Met This Guy podcast

To submit a dating story that will make OTHER people feel better about their dating lives : @oksoimetthisguy

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie : interstatesandheartbreak.com

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters : interstatesandheartbreak@gmail.com

For a glimpse into my life when I’m not talking about dating : @lesliegnope


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